Welcome to our new CEO
We are excited to announce that not-for-profit leader and social change advocate, Rachel Ball, will be our new Chief Executive Officer.
Rachel is moving into the role as we celebrate 50 years of pioneering philanthropy and set our future course.
She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, which will deepen our work alongside partners to address the challenges faced by our community and the environment.
For the past two decades, Rachel has focused on securing progressive, systemic change in Australia and overseas. She has held senior leadership roles at the Human Rights Law Centre, Oxfam Australia and, most recently, the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, where she has supported Assembly Members in negotiating the foundations for Treaty-making in Victoria.
‘I’ve worked with organisations and campaigns supported by the Reichstein Foundation and have always admired the Foundation’s progressive approach to philanthropy and commitment to tackling the causes, not just the symptoms, of injustice,’ Rachel says.
‘The issues we’re facing, including economic inequality and climate change, are complex and intractable, and the solutions won’t be business as usual,’ she says.
‘I’m thrilled to be working with the Reichstein Foundation to understand, support and promote the ambitious and game-changing advocacy our country needs.’
Rachel has degrees in politics and law from Monash University and a Master of Laws from Columbia University in New York.
She will start at the Reichstein Foundation on 5 December 2022.