Our Approach to Philanthropy
For 50 years the Reichstein Foundation has been blazing a trail in the philanthropy sector through our bold, progressive, and collaborative approach.
We believe that social change philanthropy should be driven by:
- Creating a fairer distribution of wealth and power.
- Using our resources to tackle the underlying causes of injustice rather than only treating the symptoms.
- Backing the advocacy, campaigns and movement-building work needed to achieve transformational change.
- Valuing and centering the voices, expertise and participation of people with direct experience of injustice.
- Acting as allies to social change movements by contributing not only monetary resources but our time, knowledge, and connections.
- Shifting power through trusting our grant-partners to drive the agenda and ensuring our support responds to their evolving needs.
- Being led by First Peoples in supporting self determination.
- Applying a gender lens across all of the work we do.