How can philanthropy tackle poverty and inequality?

Reducing inequality is one of the Reichstein Foundation’s strategic priories. We highlight here some of the approaches we believe will be effective.
Tracking inequality and building the case for change
The Reichstein Foundation, along with the BB & A Miller Fund, Hartline Fund, and Social Justice Fund (sub-funds of Australian Communities Foundation), is supporting ACOSS to maximise the impact of their crucial research into inequality. We are also supporting work to find out how Australians perceive inequality, again through a funding collaboration with the Australian Communities Foundation.
In June 2015, ACOSS released:
- A report into inequality in Australia: ACOSS_Inequality_in_Australia_A_Nation_Divided_Report_2015
- A factsheet on inequality in Australia: ACOSS-POVERTY-IN-AUSTRALIA-FACT-SHEET
- And in collaboration with Ipsos, a report into perceptions of inequality: Ipsos-ACOSS-Community_Perspectives_On_Social_Inequality_Report_2015
This video explains how unbalanced Australian society has become: Inequality in Australia: A nation divided
Ten ways to tackle inequality
Leading Australian researchers, key decision-makers in Government and expert community sector representatives have come together to consider what to do about growing inequality.
Non-profit company Australia21, with think tank The Australia Institute and the Australian National University convened a roundtable in early 2014, which resulted in the publication of a major report on tackling inequality: ‘Advance Australia Fair? What to do about growing inequality in Australia’.
The report has identified ten key actions and policy levers that are available to government, which would be effective in reducing inequality. The Reichstein Foundation proudly supported Australia21 to produce the report.
Australia21 also created three very short videos about addressing inequality in Australia, based on the report.
- Download the report: Advance Australia Fair-What to do about growing inequality in Australia
- See and share Australia 21’s short videos about inequality in Australia, based on the report: Australia21’s You Tube channel
- Check out Australia21’s Inequality web page for more of their work
- Inequality in Australia – Short video by Australia21
- Why inequality matters – Short video by Australia21