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Meet the advocates: spotlighting our June grant partners

In June, the Reichstein Foundation provided grants to four organisations driving critical reforms. These grants will support advocacy and movement building organisations at the forefront of efforts to advance climate justice and women’s rights. They also demonstrate the Reichstein Foundation’s efforts to provide more core and multi-year funding. 

Sustainable Table

Most of the food we eat is grown and produced in ways that are harmful to people and the planet. Agriculture – specifically industrial farming – is a leading contributor to the climate crisis and has a substantial impact on ecosystems and communities.  

Sustainable Table is an environmental not-for-profit organisation reimagining food and farming in Australia by supporting farmers who are revitalising food systems and enabling resilient agricultural ecosystems.  

Sustainable Table is working with a coalition of regenerative farming organiations to push for a transformation in how Australia’s agricultural landscapes are managed. The Regenerative Agriculture Advocacy Project will call for policy and financing mechanisms that incentivise a transition from extractive farming practices to regenerative food and fibre production systems that prioritise communities and the environment and respect First Peoples’ rights.  

Learn more. 


Jubilee Australia

Jubilee’s vision is of a future where corporations and governments respect the voices of communities, do no harm, and people and their environments thrive. Their mission is to amplify the voices of local communities in the fight against an extractive and unequal economic system, while also producing investigative research and advocating for just solutions.   

In 2023, the Reichstein Foundation supported Jubilee Australia’s Transition Mineral Campaign, and we are pleased to be renewing our support to this vital work.  

The transition minerals campaign recognises that the extraction of transition minerals is needed if we’re going to combat climate change, but it advocates for transition minerals to be extracted in a way that listens to communities, minimises damage to ecosystems and respects First Nations custodians.  

Learn more.


Women’s Environmental Leadership Australia  

Women’s Environmental Leadership Australia (WELA) is a community that connects, trains and funds generations of women and gender diverse changemakers so that together they can transform Australia’s response to our environmental and climate crises. 

In 2023, the Reichstein Foundation provided core funding to support WELA’s new organisational strategy, and we’re delighted to be providing renewed core support into the strategy’s second and third years.  

With this support WELA plans to continue ramping up its leadership training and networking programs, increase funding for women’s climate and environmental action through their giving circle, and develop research and education to ensure climate and environmental policy in Australia considers the needs and contributions of all genders. 

Learn more.


Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education  

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) has a vision for an Australia free from alcohol harms – where communities are healthy and well, and where laws, policies and programs are fair, equitable and just.  

Currently alcohol is involved in 23% to 65% of all police-reported family violence incidents and the use of alcohol by perpetrators of violence increases the severity of family violence. 

FARE is calling for reform measures to regulate alcohol and prevent violence against women and children.  

The Reichstein Foundation has provided a rapid response grant to FARE to leverage a recent window of opportunity for progress on these reforms, which has arisen due to a spike in domestic violence homicides, the release of an influential paper by Jess Hill and Michael Salter on the need to rethink primary prevention, and the Commonwealth Government’s announcement of a “rapid review” on how to best prevent violence against women and children. 

Learn more.