For a fair and equal tax system — grant round now open!

At the Reichstein Foundation, we believe in the transformative power of a fair and equal tax system to strengthen society, reduce inequality and drive long-term prosperity for all Australians.
A fair and balanced tax system is essential for reducing entrenched economic inequality, which is a major driver of political instability, human rights violations and climate vulnerability. By ensuring resources are distributed more equitably, a fair tax system helps build a world where everyone has the opportunity to lead a good life. It can also ensure the government is able to fund vital services like health, education and aged care — building a stronger, more equitable society for everyone.
Despite the clear benefits of progressive tax reform for communities and the environment, it is notoriously hard to achieve. As Productivity Commission Chair Danielle Wood has observed, “A key reason that we have failed to shift the dial on tax is the losers are often concentrated and vocal, and the winners are diffuse and often disengaged.”
“The challenge this creates is supercharged when combined with the aggressive tactics of some of the impacted groups and the relatively weak checks and balances on vested interest influence in Australian politics.”
Taking up this challenge, the Reichstein Foundation in partnership with Tripple has launched a collaborative grant round focused on creating a fair and equal tax system. We’re now inviting expressions of interest from organisations and communities across Australia that can stand up to vested interests and support progressive tax reform.
“This grant round isn’t just about offering a one-off injection of funding — it’s also an opportunity to highlight something bigger: the need for greater long-term funding for tax justice within philanthropy,” says Reichstein Foundation CEO Rachel Ball. “Our grant round will provide a platform to share research, spark discussions and connect with other donors who want to see a more equitable tax system in Australia for the long term.”
The Reichstein Foundation has long supported tax justice as a key component of a fair, equal and sustainable Australia, with recent grants supporting Per Capita’s Tax Summit in February 2025 and the Economic Media Centre’s advocacy on Stage Three Tax Cuts in early 2024.
Find out more and apply
Expressions of interest close at 11:59pm Friday 24 January 2025.